Biblical discipleship — both being a disciple and making disciples — is the key to walking with Jesus. But what does it mean to be a disciple? What does it mean to disciple someone else? What does the Bible say about discipleship, and where does the church come in?
Let’s start with some definitions of discipleship.

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What is a disciple?
(Discipleship defined)
At Crossworld, we define a disciple as one who is learning to live and love like Jesus and helps others to do the same. Let’s break that down into three parts, or three characteristics of a disciple.

A disciple is a learner.
Being a disciple of Jesus is a lifelong learning process. We move forward and we move backward at times, but we continue on this journey to become like him.
A disciple is learning to live and love like Jesus.
Though we don’t do it perfectly, we are consistently growing in two areas of Christ-likeness:- Living holy lives in obedience to God
- Loving people sacrificially

A disciple helps others do the same.
By definition, a disciple is a disciple-maker because he obeys Jesus’ commands — including the command to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19). Discipleship is not just about your own relationship with Jesus but about journeying together with others and building the body of Christ, the church.If you know that you’re a disciple, how do you then make disciples?
“My journey of learning to share about Jesus started with asking God, Help me learn how to make disciples. If he can do this work through me, I’m confident he can do it through you, too. I dare you to ask him!”
— Whitney, a disciple-maker in the U.S.
What is disciple-making?
(Disciple-making defined)
Disciple-making is helping people everywhere to live and love like Jesus by imparting God’s truth through authentic relationships wherever life happens. Disciple-making is about three things: truth, relationship, and life.

God’s truth: the content for disciple-making
Our discipleship curriculum is the Word of God itself, and our teacher is the Holy spirit. That means we have to know God’s Word and abide in the Spirit in order to disciple someone else.

Authentic relationship: the context for disciple-making
Jesus modeled relational disciple-making when he lived among us and chose 12 men to pour his life into. God’s truth is most effectively transmitted through relationship, because love builds trust.

Everyday life: the setting for disciple-making
Jesus taught his disciples to shepherds in fields and fishermen in boats. God’s truth must not be relegated to scheduled times and artificial environments. It’s best learned in the everyday moments of normal life.
How to make discipleship part of your life
(Practical next steps)
Spend time every day in God’s Word.

Connect everyday conversations to truth.
Ask God to show you who to disciple.

Build relationships through hospitality.
Make room in your schedule.

Engage in your local church.
Free 7-day discipleship course
Sign up for our free email course to learn disciple-making principles and practical steps you can implement today.
The Biblical Basis for Discipleship
Looking for an example of discipleship in the Bible? Jesus himself was the perfect example of a disciple-maker. He spent three years calling people to walk with him, teaching them his ways, and empowering them to follow his example. Then, when he was about to leave them, he gave them one final command in Matthew 28:18-20. Many people point to this passage as the biblical basis for discipleship and missions.

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
— Matthew 28:18-20
Here’s what we learn from the Great Commission.
- Jesus has all authority, so we must obey his command. At the same time, we can do so with confidence in his power to help us accomplish it.
- Our task is to make disciples of all nations. Every person on earth has the right and desperate need to know and follow Jesus. The church must pursue a global vision.
- Making disciples includes baptizing new believers into the community of God and teaching them to obey all of Jesus’ commands. Discipleship begins before a person comes to faith and continues as they grow in faith and obedience through the rest of their life.
- Jesus promises us his presence forever and always. For such a God-sized task as making disciples, we need this assurance.
Learn more about the four “alls” of the Great Commission.
What do these verses mean for you? Your assignment as a Christian — no matter who you are, where you live, or what you do for a living — is to make disciples of all nations.
How does disciple-making relate to missions?
Disciple-making is at the heart of Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. “All nations” includes your home country, the countries on the other side of the globe, and everywhere in between. You can stay and make disciples where you already live, or you can pack your bags and move to a different country to make disciples in a new culture. That’s what we call global missions.

Do you have what it takes to be a missionary? Read more about the DNA of a cross-cultural disciple-maker and a portrait of a marketplace disciple-maker.
Discipleship resources
Here are some resources to help you keep growing in your journey as a disciple-maker.
- Disciple-Making 101 email challenge
Sign up for our free seven-day email course on discipleship. Each day, get a video lesson on one of the seven essential elements of disciple-making, plus action steps to put it in practice, all delivered straight to your inbox. - A Better Way: Make Disciples Wherever Life Happens by Dale Losch
This inspiring and practical book will help you understand disciple-making the way Jesus designed. The principles in this book are accessible to everyone, no matter your age, occupation, or stage of life. - Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker by Bill Hull
How did Jesus disciple 12 lowly fishermen and tax collectors to the point they were ready to revolutionize the world? This book outlines Christ's methods of discipleship and offers a biblical pattern for us to follow. - Imitating Jesus: Love, Friendship, and Disciple-Making by Lewie Clark
There's no secret formula, nor is there a one-size-fits-all plan for disciple-making, but there are examples to follow. And there are certainly adventures to be had!